Exciting presentations by our experts

Our CCIT and AVI specialists will be giving interesting presentations at various PDA events about AI, AVI, combined leak detection and visual inspection solutions.

Learn where to meet them.

Rule-Based vs. AI Algorithms in Difficult-to-Inspect Products Quality Control

by Dr. Matthias Kahl on March 10 @ 16:00 (B 2)

Agenda and Registration →

and visit us at booth #211

A Novel Approach for CCIT and AVI of Fusion-Sealed Pre-Filled Syringes with opaque suspensions 

by Dr. Matthias Kahl / March 26 @ 09:00 (S 3/Track A)

Agenda and Registration →

and visit us at booth #30

Human-Inspired AVI: The next level of Parenteral Packaging Quality Control 

by Dr. Chiara Sinito on April 8 @ 11:10 (B2)

A Novel Approach for CCIT and AVI of Fusion-Sealed PFS with opaque suspensions 

by Dr. Matthias Kahl on April 8 @ 16:55 (A3)

Agenda and Registration →

and visit us at booth #207

Visit these exciting presentations or contact us for an individual discussion